Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance covers all activities carried out by trained technical personnel, which aim to restore the equipment to its normal operating condition after an unscheduled breakdown or shutdown. This equipment can be: UPS, precision air conditioners, power plants or any other. Corrective maintenance is a strategy that consists of locating and immediately resolving equipment failures, understanding as unforeseen wear, mismatch or breakage presented in any component of the equipment, which prevents it from fulfilling its normal operation.
When correcting the defects or faults observed, the basic form of maintenance is considered and damaged parts or parts are located, to replace or repair them. Historically, it is the first maintenance concept and the only one until World War I, given the simplicity of the machines of the time. It is done after a fault occurs that prevents the operation of the equipment. Because it arises from an unforeseen breakdown, it represents great costs, both for the end user and for the service provider, so it is a matter of avoiding to the maximum, by designing preventive and predictive maintenance programs, adapted for each client , according to its operational environment.
With the purpose of providing this service, Grupo Electrotécnica has a large stock of spare parts, which covers all installed models, latest technology measuring equipment -calibrated by specialized laboratories at least once a year-, complete sets with the tools suitable to guarantee the correct repair of the equipment, and our main differentiator, which allows us to offer the service in the best way and in compliance with the most demanding international standards: the technical and engineering personnel trained in the factory, where the theory is received and the practice necessary to address possible breakdowns. A vital aspect of the training is that it is carried out in laboratories with identical equipment to those installed in the national market, where the instructors present diagnostic and fault repair exercises, which allow training highly competitive professionals, capable of solving real problems in the minor possible time.
Grupo Electrotécnica offers its customers this experience acquired by technicians and engineers, as part of a maintenance contract, but it also addresses the needs of those who suffer a breakdown and do not have that support at the time of failure.